Kill ‘Em With Kindness

For a few years there – more than half a decade, actually – I believed that being meaner was better than being kind. In theory, yeah, kindness won and triumphed everything but in the real world, it looked increasingly like the kind ones were being trampled upon. It’s important to me to be able to... Continue Reading →

On Growing Older & Changing Paths

Growing up is fun, growing older is not. I’ve an irrational annoyance with growing older, most of it stems from fear. I’m not really keen on being dependent on anyone but after the middle chunk of life, I will regress back to the dependency I had as a child and there’s nothing I can do... Continue Reading →

I found this photo today while I was aimlessly rifling through hordes of pictures while saving the ones that caught my attention for future blog posts. When I came across this picture, Chasing the Sun was playing on my phone. I got the connection between the two and it made me realize how important it... Continue Reading →

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